In the summer of 2013 me with the help of my colleague (Cristian Pop), went for a 2 weeks long field campaign in the Romanian regions of Oltenia and Muntenia to investigate or to find mud volcanoes and springs with high methane concentrations.
We started with the most western part of our proposed field work and continued east.
Our first stop was at Baile Sacelu. Here we managed to measure the CO2 and CH4
flux of one of the springs.
Our second find was the mud volcano of Alimpesti.
Trying to measure some gas flux from a spring from Baile Govora.
Preparing syringes for gas sampling from the water.
Measuring the methane flux from an old drilling.
Going to sample water from the "miraculous water's" from Valcele.
Sampling from the sulfur springs from Sarata-Monteoru...
...sometimes not so easy:)
Sampling water from an other spring, also from Sarata-Monteoru.
On the way home we went to the investigate the mud volcano and the bubbling craters Tauni (located almost in the middle of Transylvania).
Measuring the flux from the mud volcanoes crater.
Preparing to make the measurements at one of the bubbling craters from Tauni.
A close up of the bubbling pool...
The final photo of the field campaign with two happy researchers.