duminică, 25 ianuarie 2015

Water sampling at Someseni Spa

In the winter of 2013 together with my college Mircea Moldovan, went to the old Someseni Spa in Cluj-Napoca to sample water, in order to see if they contain dissolved hydrocarbons.

We knew the locations of some springs… like spring Nr. 15

In December it was quite cold…

We took samples also for radon and radium measurements… at spring Nr. 9

We were quite serious during the sampling,

We knew that there were several springs in the old spa, but they were quite difficult to find, due to dense vegetation, old abandoned buildings etc.

The highest radium concentration was found in spring nr. 3…

We also took samples from the inlet of the old pools… 

vineri, 6 decembrie 2013

Water sampling at the Olt Valley

Two days ago, we went to sample water samples from spring, in order to investigate the dissolved gases (CH4, CO2, H2 etc). Our first stop was at Caciulata and Calimanesti, the second at Baile Olanesti and the third stop at Baile Govora.

 Sampling at Baile Olanesti spring 30

 Baile Olanesti spring 3

 Preaparing to sample the spring.

 Heading back to the car across the wooden bridge.

 Our last sampling site at the mineral spring of Baile Govora. :)

vineri, 29 noiembrie 2013

Water sampling in Bihor county

In the last days of November I went to help my colleague (Botond Pap) in a research project in Bihor county. Because I was heading to that area, I proposed to collect spring water samples from Bihor county, in order to evaluate the dissolved methane content of the waters.

 A spring near the road on the way to Damis village.

 The autumn forest in Bihor county.

 A spring congaing H2S (visible on the pipes interior).

 A spring from Baile Tinca.

Putting in the last sample.:)

The "burning springs"

In November I went to investigate two sites. These seepage's are interesting because, they are spring with very high methane concentrations. because of this high concentration the "top" of the spring can be ignited, producing flames as high as 20 cm!

 On the way to the "burning springs" we stopped at the Lacul Rosu.

 The "burning spring" from Hlipiceni.

 Sampling gas sample from the spring. because of the high flux, there was no use of using a syrenge.

The other "burning spring". Located in Slanic-Moldova.

The beautiful Carpathian background.

Transylvanian field work

After my return from Patras, I went again on the field.:) This time in Transylvania.
In this field work we tried to find the visit the mud volcanoes mentioned in the scientific literature, and to evaluate there gas emissions.

 The result of falling into a mud volcano.

Standing on one of the mud volcanoes.

After the hard work trying to meditate a little bit...:))

 The beautiful Southern Carpathian near Sibiu.

 A nice panorama of the Carpathian Mountains.

 Taking quickly the GPS coordinates before...

 ...the shepherd dogs reach us.

 Measuring a seepage at an abandoned gas well.

 Measuring also the area around the well.

 With our faithful "all terrain vehicle":)

Conferente in Patras

In September I went to the 12th ICGG (Internatioanl Conference on Gas Geochemistry) conference held in Patras Greece.

I had a oral presentation entitled "Seep vs reservoir geochemistry: the case of Romania".

After the first day of the conference  having a nice dinner...

Celebrating my first international conference with Prof. Dr. Michael Whiticar (Victoria University, Canada) (left) and Dr. Arndt Schimmelmann (Indiana University, U.S.A.) (right)

 With Dr. Peter Szatmari (Petrobras)
Together with my two "mentors": Calin Baciu and Giuseppe Etiope

After the conference there was a two day field trip to the site of ancient Olympia and to the oracol of Delphi.

At the archeological site of ancient Olympia

At the archeological site of ancient Olympia

In the background the Gulf of Corinth

 At the Oracol of Delphi

 In the background the Temple of Apollo

 The beautiful landscape where the Oracol was built.

 At the stadium of the Oracol of Delphi, with fellow Ph.D. student (from Patra) Stavroula Kordella.

Three researches thinking how to collect a water sample from there...

simple method of the Ph.D. student.:))

From the field trip I went with Giuseppe Etiope and Stavroula to the Othrys ophiolite to sample dissolved gases from water samples.

My final day in Greece, in company of my mentor, Giuseppe Etiope, having a heart-to-heart discussion!